Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
politics (grrr)
i've been loosely following the presidential campaign. yesterday i read that mccain's latest televison ad says the following: "Beautiful words cannot not make our lives better." i thought, well, that's it in a nutshell: if a politician believes that language, the foundation of so much of our culture, and the precursor to almost all action, especially political action, has no potential to better our lives, then how does one make better? it's painfully clear, thanks to the current administration, that ugly and deceitful words lead to ugly action, for which we have paid and will be paying, in blood, sweat and tears, for decades, and for the betterment of who? i believe it's difficult, if not impossible, to write beautiful words without beautiful thought. beautiful action is the result of beautiful thought. our lives are manifestly and directly made better by the beautiful: thought, words and action, an intimately linked trio. i'll be voting for the candidate whose words suggest he's thinking beautifully. sorry john.