another long time between posts. i've been sick with flu, probably swine flu, for about four weeks. all that's left is lingering cough. despite physical discomfort, i've welcomed the opportunity to rest, reflect, and spend a lot of time alone. i was supposed to shoot a short movie, the first since making a short dramatic film six years ago, but i was too wiped out to do it. we've rescheduled for march, 2010.
my film activities continue with star trek phase 2 and a couple documentaries, but they are not my own projects. being in bed has given my own projects new immediacy, because it feels like i have a lot less time to work. i know this flu will pass, but the restriction of waking time helps give weight to the most important things. i've resigned from the few boards i participate on, and have cut back on commitments. i sense the importance of having lots of time and time-space in which to create, to absorb, to integrate thoughts, ideas, images, sounds, feelings.
i've watched hundreds of films while in bed, shorts and features, drama and docs. streaming movies are fantastic. the quality is okay, but having an on demand film festival in my lap worth the sacrifice. it's great to see so many films back to back, to compare styles, lighting, scripts, pacing, camera work, acting, sets, scenery, sound, music... for the last few years, i haven't been able to stay awake through a film. it still happens, but somehow watching so many films has awakened me. i'm looking at films not for entertainment, but for content, story, creativity, craftsmanship.
i've watched a lot of short films. curiously, they are often too long, lacking density, plot, though often technically very good. the features, by and large, even the bad ones, tend to be more condensed.