Saturday, September 10, 2005


i never thought i'd ever buy a natural wood toilet seat but it seems like such a natural for a composting toilet. so, here it is, the seat to my natural crapper. do they test these things? i haven't located a bucket yet or sawdust. they will come soon. i might actually take out my regular toilet. if i do that i think i will want to have another container in the bathroom just in case i have to throw up. what does puke do to compost?


Anonymous said...

I love my plastic bucket I found beside the road in a corn field in Iowa, Matt,

asked the farmer if he wanted it, he didn't so it has gone seveal 1000 miles with me. Stop at lumber yards on the road or at home for sawdust, but chips, small pine cones and chips work great. I use a foam pipe cover (keeps pipes from freezing around the top of my bucket. Not as fancy as your wood one.
Always seem to find a compost pile to dump it in, easy portable and a great teaching tool!!

Puke fits right in with the heat the compost creates, just cover with sawdust, chips or leaves. Cuts any smell fine and empty it with the rest. I add all my kitchen waste to the same bucket.

Keep the sawdust in a paper bag inside a plastic one until I find a better sawdust container. Keep a small water bottle and TP, in with the sawdust for rinse and wipe if necessary.

I get several bags of sawdust at a time. Carpenters, hardware and lumber yard folks are happy to get you to help them clean up their sawdust. Stash the plastic grocery bags in a dry place and refill the container next to your bucket when it gets low from using a handful to cover each use.

I empty the bucket when it is full. No smell!
Amazes folks!!

I even keep a bucket and sawdust bag, water and TP in the van. Open the van door and enjoy the out of doors! Great way to travel!

I really hate to waste potable water after traveling in Africa and Asia. Water is a most precious commodity, and why not build soil as we live.

Working on living with a lighter footprint every day!

Phyllis & Bill, too

Anonymous said...

Forgot to mention, Matt,

I keep a stir stick between the plastic and the brown paper bag of sawdust. Use it before dumping the pail to stir well, redust with sawdust and treat a tree or stump to some nitrogen and nutrients if a compost pile isn't handy. But lack of compost is a rare problem even out on the road.

Light and love,

Matt Bucy said...

hey phyllis and bill,

i've been following your emails and love getting them. i've also just read your book, phyllis. it's wonderful. i read it in one sitting. i'll write more later.

love and light,