Wednesday, April 25, 2007


wrj tracks

i made a list of words about myself this morning. i recommend doing this. at first, only a half-dozen or so words came out. i thought, that's it? so, i sat for a bit thinking of more words. i realized i was editing out a lot of words subconsciously, things that i might not really want people to know about. but i wrote them down anyway. and then the flood came. it was interesting that locking out embarassing or undesirable adjectives about myself also blocked the good things. when the list was done, i scrambled the order of words. while the first incarnation sounded a bit like a hallmark card, the randier later version, all mixed up, was a lot more interesting and human.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Always love checking your blog, great idea on descriptive words. We'll use it!

When are you coming out this way, we have sold our home and are moving into a place we want to sell. SoBy doing so, we don't support Bush's war and then start working on our mud house.

Interesting trip to Iran and lovely beyond belief. Nice to be home. But it is a place no one visually oriented should miss and it sounds like Bush wants to take it on but I can assure everyone we will be VERY sorry if he chooses to do so.