Thursday, July 26, 2007

rafters up

lifting a rafter

another week gone by, another four days at faerie camp destiny, the radical faerie sanctuary in southern vermont. last weekend we lifted more very heavy rafters up onto the frame. it's very physical work, exhausting at times, but very fulfilling and the camaraderie that's developed while working on this project makes all the hard labor worth it. after a long day, we all settle down for a meal and afterwords hang around one of the fire circles on the land or huddle in the yurt if it's raining. i'm loving my time in the woods, a place where i don't own anything, and despite my responsibilities at the camp, i do not feel overwhelmed. the few times i've felt irritated have been when i've picked up power tools. their sound, vibration, threat and energy all irritate. it seems to be price of speed.

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