Tuesday, February 21, 2006

mardi gras 2006

it is happening and i'm going to be in it. i'm flying down tomorrow. i'll be marching in the "all female" muses parade with our butterfly puppets. i have no costume ready this year. i'm going to play it by ear, just see what moves me and hope there's some stuff to work with. maybe just debris.


Helen said...

Have a wonderful time! I've been to Mardi Gras three times. Each one better than the next. It's a blast. And if you have time when you get back (or energy!), tag, you're it!

Anonymous said...

Hey Matt, I've had a problem with my, ( personal confuser) PC. Just about every day since Saturday, January 28, 2006 I've stopped by your blog and every time this machine directed itself to your New York post, me not being any wiser believed you hadn't made a more recent entry to the blog. So nonetheless I felt incline to leave a note there expressing some of my thoughts thinking you had been speechless over the last 23 days. Today is the 23rd February, and I just caught up with all your post to date.

Sorry you've been having migraines sometimes a deficiency in vitamin B manifest itself with symptoms of headache perhaps taking a 50 or 100 mg vitamin B complex supplement in your daily diet will alleviate the symptoms plaguing you. Stress and alcohol consumes B vitamins in your body.

Global warming is scarey Vermont would loose all those magnificent maples and Long Islanders would have to start wearing wooden shoes and only the folks lucky enough to live on third floor flats would have a view of the atlantic over the dike.

mardi gras sounds wonderful hope you get plenty beads and wild fun.