Wednesday, October 18, 2006

jammy skies

tall things

every once in a while a casual encounter turns magical. last weekend, daisy and i trekked over to jade's house in jersey city. we hung out a while then took a tour of the house. upstairs jade has a small recording studio and before long i had a guitar in my hands, jade a keyboard and daisy a microphone. we jammed for a couple hours. what delicious songs we made! if listening to music can get you high, making it can come close to...nirvana? someone said to me recently that you know you're in the moment when time becomes intangible. i know i'm in the moment when my tongue sticks out. i have a little sore spot just to the right of center below my lower lip where it hangs out when time-machining. i want to do more things that get my tongue out.

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