Wednesday, August 03, 2005


i've been reading a lot of books, on trains, boats and couches that aren't mine.

botany of desire: a plant's eye view of the world by michael pollan. in four essays, he explores the relationship between human desires and four different plants: the apple, tulip, marijuana and the potato. i especially liked the apple and marijuana essays.
i've mentioned this one in the past, but here goes again: radical simplicity: small footprints on a finite earth by jim merkel. jim, whom i've met and lives nearby, shows how to assess one's footprint on the earth: how much productive land it takes to support you and your habits. for most americans it takes 24 acres. if everyone on earth lived like americans it would take seven or eight planets to support the population. jim addresses practically how one can reduce footprint.
life of pi by yann martel. fiction. a boy and his zoo-operating family in india sell the zoo and board a ship to canada. after the ship sinks, the boy, pi, spends months at sea with a bengal tiger in a life boat. it's a beautiful thing!

Your Money or Your Life: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez. This book was recommended by Jim Merkel in Radical Simplicity. it's a good read if your finances are out of control, and much like jim's book, it recommends assessment as a way to clarity about your finances and techinque to reduce your debt footprint. i found its investment advice dated--the government no longer issues the bonds they recommend, but the idea that you shouldn't spend your capital is sound.

card: 4 of wands: celebration, freedom, excitement

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