Thursday, August 04, 2005

RIP Jinx

jinxlast night i lifted jinx, the main street musuem kitty, four months old, out of the gutter next to the musuem. he'd been hit by a car not long before. his brother, bernie, was sitting by his side when michelle and michelle discovered him. it's a shame. he was a very sweet cat, friendly and warm and very much into people. i'm glad i got to pick him up. he was still warm and even though he was disfigured, feeling him, lifting him from where he died, felt like a final and honorable ritual.

card: 3 of swords: heartbreak, loneliness, betrayal


Anonymous said...

Matt, I'm so protective of my two cats I never let them out, and they appear to tolerate my edict well. Although they take out their aggressions on one another often.

Anonymous said...

Oh man. That's so sad. I never. ever. ever. let my cats out. Too many of my friends and family have had theirs hit by cars. :(

He looked like a cool cat.

Matt Bucy said...

jinx wasn't my cat, but i was very fond of him and he was cool. i have two cats that live with me, a male and female. i live on a very busy road and they are very car-aware. it's strange how some cats are and some aren't. same with dogs. maybe with people too.