Wednesday, July 13, 2005

most popular pic

one of the interesting things about flickr, the place i keep my online pix, is that they track how many people have looked at your pictures. so, why is this picture of me as a child on the beach so popular? what is clear amongst my pix is that those with flesh in them get viewed the most. but why this one? am i just so damned cute here? there must be another explanation! i think it would make a nice cd cover. i purchased a book called radical simplicity: small footprints on a finite earth by jim merkel and i'm attending a workshop called "gardening for self-reliance" this weekend in east corinth, vermont at the global living project. i feel i need to be better prepared for the end of oil. card: 6 cups: gourdelini: experiencing good will, enjoying innocence, focusing on childhood. well there ya go.

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