Friday, July 15, 2005



i'm feeling scatterbrained. unsettled. maybe stripped down. i think i'm feeling the deeper effects of separation from gabriel. even though he'd have been gone all this time anyway, knowing that he's going to be moving out when he comes back on tuesday brings a sense of change, disruption, shift. my inclination is to do something to dump the energy around this change, but i'm trying to sit with it, just watch it, watch the wheel turning.

roger stopped in yesterday afternoon. he is full of joy. he wore rainbow striped socks, black caterpillar brand shoes, suspendered pants and glittered eyes. we caught up a little, meditated, and i'll be heading up to montpelier tonight to camp out with roger, danny, nina and her family.

card: 17. star / lucky stars: hope, inspiration, generosity, sincerity

1 comment:

sean said...

sorry about the breakup mate. the hurt will go away in time...